赵 润

作者: 发布时间:2019-03-07 浏览次数:2049

男,1982年8月生,江苏科技大学经济管理学院工业工程系讲师,情���学会japan society for information and management (jsim)和公益社�法人日本ロジスティクスシステム�会 japan institute of logistics systems (jsls)会员。2014年3月毕业于日本名古屋大学大学院经济研究科产业经营系统专业(工业工程),获经济学博士学位;2009年6月毕业于重庆大学机械工程学院工业工程专业,获工学硕士学位;2006年7月毕业于中国矿业大学工业工程专业,获工学学士学位。王念新研究兴趣包括生产运作管理、系统仿真以及现代企业运作管理(更新时间:2016年3月)。






1、2014.09-至   今,镇江,江苏科技大学,讲师


1、sang haixia, soemon takakuwa, and run zhao. 2015. demand analysis and optimal production quantities for a short- expiration-date item at a retail store. in proceedings of the 21st international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management. nov.7-8, guangzhou, china.

2、hikaru ichimura. 2014. analysis of manufacturing systems using simulations in terms of material flow cost accounting [j]. international journal of computational intelligence systems, vol. 7: 44-51.

3、run zhao, soemon takakuwa and hikaru ichimura. 2014. simulation-based environmental analysis for production lot-size determination in terms of material flow cost accounting. in proceedings of the 21st international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management. nov. 1-2, zhuhai, china.

4、run zhao and soemon takakuwa. 2013. “simulation-based hybrid control research on wip in a multi-tightly-coupled-cells production system”. in proceedings of the 2013 winter simulation conference, washington, d.c, usa. edited by r. pasupathy, s.-h. kim, a. tolk, r. hill, and m. e. kuhl. piscataway, new jersey: institute of electrical and electronics engineers, inc.

5、run zhao and soemon takakuwa. 2013. “mfca-based simulation analysis for production lot-size determination in a multi-variety and small-batch production system”. in proceedings of the 2013 winter simulation conference, washington, d.c, usa. edited by r. pasupathy, s.-h. kim, a. tolk, r. hill, and m. e. kuhl. piscataway, new jersey: institute of electrical and electronics engineers, inc.

6、� �,市 村光,唐 旭中,高桑 宗右ヱ�. 2013. “生�ロットサイズによる�境コストへの影�に�する研究——mfcaとシミュレ�ションの�点から”. �境管理. vol.49, no.3, pp.101-105. (in japanese)

7、run zhao and soemon takakuwa. 2012. “simulation-based distributed fuzzy control for wip in a multi-variety and small-batch discrete production system with one tightly coupled cell.” in proceedings of the 2012 winter simulation conference, berlin, germany. edited by c. laroque, j. himmelspach, r. pasupathy, o. rose, and a. m. uhrmacher, 1273-1284. piscataway, new jersey: institute of electrical and electronics engineers, inc.

8、mitsuko yokouchi, setsuko aoki, haixia sang, run zhao, and soemon takakuwa. 2012. “operations analysis and appointment scheduling for an outpatient chemotherapy department.” in proceedings of the 2012 winter simulation conference, berlin, germany. edited by c. laroque, j. himmelspach, r. pasupathy, o. rose, and a. m. uhrmacher, 907-918. piscataway, new jersey: institute of electrical and electronics engineers, inc.

9、zhao run. 2012. “simulation-based distributed fuzzy control for work-in-process inventory”. 日本ロジスティクスシステム学会�. vol.12, no.1, pp.93-101.

10、zhao run. 2012. “simulation-based environmental cost analysis for work-in-process”. international journal of simulation modelling. vol11, no.4, pp. 211-224.

11、run zhao. 2012. “simulation-based impacts on environment costs caused by production lot size”. in proceedings of international conference sustainable manufacturing and environmental management, hanoi, vietnam. pp. 107-116.

12、run zhao. 2011. “mfca analysis of a group-production cell based on a simulation of the work-in-process inventory level”. in proceedings of the 10th northeast asia management and economics joint conference (namejc 2011), daejeon, korea. pp.249-258.

13、� �. 2011. “”mfca analysis of work-in-process inventory level based on simulation.” 日本情���学会-第63回全国大会. pp. 234-237.

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